Upper Room Christian School seeks to provide all of its students with a Loving, Spirit Controlled, Disciplined Academic Environment that is conducive for Spiritual Growth, Academic Excellence and Physical Development.
Without proper planning, it is virtually impossible to reach your desired goals and full potential.
Some Strategies for Success:
1 – Spend time with God and His Word daily.
2 – Attend school each day.
3 – Arrive to each class prepared and on time.
4 – Feel free to ask for help or guidance from a teacher, counselor, or administrator when you need it.
5 - Find a quiet place to do your homework, and study for Approximately 15 min. per academic class each day.
Attendance at school provides a student with valuable classroom experience. This experience is composed of participation in interactive classroom activities and direct instruction conducted by the classroom teacher. The instructional program designed by each teacher is a progressive and sequential experience. It is generally impossible for that experience to be “made up”. For this reason, frequent failure of a student to attend class on a regular basis will be seen as a serious problem. Upon returning to school after an absence, the student is to bring a signed note from their parent or guardian detailing the cause of the absence, and the dates of the absence to their homeroom teacher. If a student’s absence from school is known ahead of time, it is the responsibility of the student, parent or guardian to secure the class assignments from Ren Web’s Parent Portal for that period of time. All coursework and homework assignments are due within three days of the student’s return to class. Any missed tests or quizzes will be made up at the teacher’s discretion within a reasonable length of time. Excessive absence may result in a reduction of the grade for the class, based upon the student’s ability to master and complete the missed class work. Student’s in grades 9 thru 12 having more than 18 unexcused absences in any course will be subject to losing credit for that course or courses. This may also delay graduation! Excessive, unexcused absences or lateness may also result in the student’s dismissal from school.
Lateness to School
Any student reporting to school any time after 8:00 AM must secure a late pass from the main office.
Classroom Lateness
In order to receive the most out of classroom instructional time, all students are to be in their seats, in proper uniform, with the appropriate materials necessary for their class, no later than the sounding of the second bell. The classroom teacher will then take attendance. Repeated unexcused lateness or un-preparedness may result in a reduction of the student’s grade or other disciplinary action. Any student arriving to class after the sounding of the second bell must have a valid late pass given by the previous classroom teacher or a school administrator.
Bible Devotions and Chapel
Bible Devotions are held daily and a weekly Chapel Service is conducted on Friday afternoons. Chapel services are a time for us to corporately reverence and worship God. We expect that there be no unrelated school work or conversations during Chapel services and all students are expected to participate by being both attentive and responsive to the directions given by staff members as well as the platform ministry. All students are expected to carry their own personal Bible and a Devotional Notebook to each Chapel and Bible Devotions Class.
Proper Conduct in the Hallways
Students must move through the hallways in a safe and orderly manner at all times. There is to be no unnecessary contact, pushing, running or yelling in the hallways. Students are to place all refuse in the proper trash receptacles, located throughout the school. The chewing of gum is not permitted in the building and all vending machines may only be used during lunch periods! No student is permitted in the hallway, Nurse’s office or bathroom without signing out of class with a valid pass from his or her current class teacher!
Uniform Policy
U.R.C.S. has instituted a uniform policy to insure neutrality in dress, unity and a business- like environment throughout the school. Students are to be in full and complete uniform from the time that they enter the building until the time that they leave the building. Uniform violations may result in detention, calls home to amend the violation or immediate suspension from school, depending upon the nature and / or frequency of the offense. The uniform requirements are as follows:
6th Through 8th Grade Girls:
Only a plaid skirt or gray kilt to be worn no higher than 2” above the knee (as measured from the back) may be worn. Middle school girls must wear a short or long sleeve (sleeves may not be rolled up), pointed collar or oxford style white blouse completely tucked into the skirt or kilt. A burgundy or maroon V-neck cardigan, pullover sweater or sweater vest must be worn each day. Only solid maroon, burgundy, white, gray or black knee or ankle socks may be worn. Only solid maroon, burgundy, white, gray, black, flesh or tan colored stockings may be worn. No multi - color socks or pattern stockings may be worn. Only black, gray, maroon or brown dress shoes with heels no higher than 3” or solid black leather sneakers may be worn. No boots, crocks, or slipper like shoes may be worn.
6th Through 8th Grade Boys:
Only gray uniform dress pants worn at the waist are acceptable. Middle school boys must wear a short or long sleeved (sleeves may not be rolled up) white dress or oxford style shirt completely tucked into the pants and a solid maroon, burgundy or gray tie with the knot covering the closed top button of the shirt. Only a maroon or burgundy long sleeve V-neck pullover sweater, button down cardigan or sweater vest may be worn when desired. A gray or black leather belt is to be worn each day. Only white, gray or black socks may be worn each day. Only black, gray, maroon, burgundy or brown dress shoes or solid black leather sneakers may be worn. No boots, crocks, or slipper like shoes may be worn.
9th Through 12th Grade Girls:
Only a gray skirt or plaid kilt to be worn no higher than 2” above the knee measured from the back may be worn. High school girls must wear a short or long sleeve (sleeves may not be rolled up), pointed collar or oxford style white blouse completely tucked into the skirt or kilt (only the top button may be open). A white turtle neck blouse completely tucked into the skirt or kilt may also be worn. A solid maroon, burgundy or gray tie with the knot covering the closed top button of the blouse may be worn, if desired. A maroon, burgundy or gray V-neck pullover sweater, sleeveless vest sweater or a maroon blazer must be worn each day. Only solid maroon, burgundy, white, gray or black knee or ankle socks may be worn. Only solid maroon, burgundy, white, gray, black, flesh or tan colored stockings may be worn. No multi- color socks or pattern stockings may be worn. Only black, gray, maroon or brown dress shoes with heels no higher than 3”or solid black leather sneakers may be worn. No boots, crocks, or slipper like shoes may be worn.
9th through 12th grade boys:
Only gray uniform dress pants worn at the waist are acceptable. Short or long sleeved (sleeves may not be rolled up) white dress or oxford style shirt completely tucked into the pants and a solid maroon, burgundy or gray tie with the knot covering the closed top button of the shirt. Only a maroon, burgundy or gray long sleeve V-neck pullover or sleeveless vest sweater may be worn, when desired. The burgundy blazer may be worn when desired. A gray or black leather belt is to be worn each day. Only solid white, gray or black socks may be worn each day. Only black, gray, maroon, burgundy or brown dress shoes or solid black leather sneakers may be worn. No boots crocks, or slipper like shoes may be worn.
All students:
No hats or head coverings may be worn in school. A student’s hairstyle, color and length must be kept modest and is subject to the discretion of the Administration. No body piercings or exposed tattoos are allowed during school. Only white plain short-sleeved tee shirts with no writing or logos may be worn under school shirts or blouses. Students are not permitted to write on their bodies or uniforms! No necklaces are to be worn outside of school shirts or blouses (including crosses). Boys are not permitted to wear earrings and girls may wear two pairs of moderate length and size earrings. During physical education students must wear the prescribed gym uniform as designated by the gym department. Students are permitted to wear Upper Room Christian School Polo Shirts. In the case of inclement weather we may adjust the uniform requirements accordingly.
School Locker Policy
School Lockers and Locks are the property of Upper Room Christian School and we reserve the right to open and inspect the contents of any locker without advance notice. School Lockers and Locks are assigned by the school’s administration and may not be changed by the students! Students are not to give out the combination
to their assigned lock to other students. Locker schedules are designed to permit
the safe and convenient locker use for each student. Students are to follow the locker schedule as posted by the lockers and handed out each semester. Any unexcused violation of the locker use or schedule may result in disciplinary action. Students are not permitted to write on, use any permanent adhesive, deface or display any inappropriate pictures, drawings or writings on or inside the school’s lockers.
Electronic Devices
As a matter of safety and security as well as decreasing unnecessary interruptions, recreational electronic devices are not permitted on school premises and will be confiscated. They will be returned at a disciplinary meeting. Cell Phones, Electronic Devices and any Internet Accessible Device must be secured in the student’s locker upon entry to the school and may only be taken out after the 9th period. Students may not carry or use their cell phones during school hours. Cell phones will be confiscated if not secured in the student’s locker from 8:00am-3:00pm. If a phone is confiscated the 1st time it will be returned same day, the 2nd time it will be returned in one week, the 3rd time it will be returned in 1 month. Any student needing to call home may do so in case of an emergency or during their lunch period by requesting a phone pass. Phone calls home will be made by a staff member from the nurses’ or main office only. Parents and Guardians may contact their child at any time necessary by contacting the main office at ext. 201. International students may only use dedicated translators.
Textbook Policy
In general students are responsible for their textbooks, and should damage or loss occur, the student’s parent or guardian will be responsible for any replacement fees. If a textbook is lost the student should notify the classroom teacher who will notify the curriculum supervisor who will supply the student with a replacement as soon as one is available. A Ren Web e-mail will be sent home to notify the parent/guardian. Textbooks are to be returned in a similar condition as when they were given to the student. Students are not permitted to use white out in school.
Nassau County Students – textbooks are delivered to the school from the Nassau BOCES textbook loan program. Textbooks are returned back to the school at the end of the year. Any damages to the books may result in a damaged book fee assessed by the program. If a book is misplaced the school will notify BOCES for a replacement for a fee.
Suffolk County Students- receive their books from Eastern Suffolk BOCES at 100 Second Avenue, Brentwood, NY 11717, 631-233-4435. If a book is misplaced during the year you must call BOCES directly to have the book replaced for a fee. Textbooks are to be returned to Eastern Suffolk BOCES at the end of the year. Any damages to the books may result in a damaged book fee assessed by the BOCES program. Please note: Upper Room Christian School does not have access to BOCES database for Suffolk County Students. The parent and their student are solely responsible for their textbooks, which are property of Eastern Suffolk BOCES. Parents should be made aware that URCS is in no way held responsible, nor involved with the BOCES program. Please do NOT contact URCS about missing or damaged textbooks that belong to BOCES, please contact them directly.
International Students- have their books ordered by the school and they are to be returned to the school at the end of the year. If a book is misplaced the school will order another one once the fee has been received for the replacement book. Any damages to the books may result in a damaged book fee assessed by the school.
Homework Policy
Homework is a very important part of the academic process and must be completed in a timely and diligent manner. We strongly recommend that each student get a Day Planner to put their assignments in. Recording and having one location for all assignments make it easier for students to remember their assignments. Parents can check up on their student’s assignments on Ren Web. Each student will receive a homework and grading policy from each teacher within the first full week of school. It is your responsibility to seek additional clarification and or assistance from your teacher as soon as the need for such assistance is realized. Failure to complete prescribed homework assignments will affect the student’s grade.
Extra Help and Tutoring
Extra help classes will be given in core subjects as the need for them arises.
Teachers will give a schedule of such classes at the first quarter parent/teacher conferences. All students with grades below 70% may be required to attend these extra help classes. These classes are open to any student whose classroom behavior and effort has been acceptable. Students may also have their parents contact the school office for information regarding one on one tutoring for an additional fee if needed or desired.
After School Activities
To insure the safety of each student, all students wanting to participate in any U.R.C.S. after school activity must be registered for the after school activity and have a signed parent acknowledgement and permission slip on file before the student will be permitted to stay after school. Prompt transportation must be provided ahead of time either through district late busses (where available) or parent/guardian pick up. Students may not linger on the Church or School premises unsupervised for any reason! This includes dance or music lessons. No students are permitted to stay after school under any circumstances without these conditions being met.
Personal Conduct
It is required that each student conduct himself or herself in such a manner as to please God, uphold the good name of Upper Room Christian School and that of his or her fellow students both in and out of school. Each student, in their relationship with other students’ and\or staff, shall respect the rights and privileges of the other party and conduct him or herself accordingly. For the safety and well-being of our students the administration of U.R.C.S. enforces a zero tolerance policy towards violence, gang related involvement, drugs, alcohol, smoking, bullying, including cyber bullying, and sexual misconduct or harassment. Students may be immediately dismissed from the school for any of these behaviors as well as any violation of any criminal law in or outside of school. Anyone observing or being victimized by such behavior should report this information to a teacher, a staff member or directly to the administration as soon as possible. Students are expected to uphold the highest standards of sexual and moral conduct, and to show Godly respect for members of the opposite sex, both in and out of school. In accordance with the Word of God, Upper Room Christian School upholds the Biblical standard of sexual morality, which prohibits all forms of sexual activity before marriage.
Cheating is a serious offense. It involves taking information from another source and presenting it as your own information. Thus, it involves the both components of lying and stealing. Cheating is defined as: copying homework, handing in another’s work, plagiarism in research papers and compositions, and unauthorized assistance on tests or quizzes. If it is determined by a teacher that a student has indeed cheated, the following actions may be taken:
1 – The student may receive a zero on the assignment.
2 – The Dean will be notified.
3 – The Dean may confer with the student and the student’s parent or guardian.
4 – If the student holds any leadership position in the school, a club, a class, or athletic team, the student may lose that position. Cheating and leadership do not go hand in hand.
5 – A second offense may cause the student to be suspended until a disciplinary conference with the student, parent or guardian, teacher and Dean can be held to determine further disciplinary action including the possible dismissal from school.
Please note: cheating on a state exam, such as a NYS Regent, PSAT, SAT, or ACT exam, is a very serious offense. If caught, this offense will result in a zero for the exam, and may result in a student being barred from taking other state exams. This may hinder a student from graduating from high school on time!
Computer Use
School computers are for class use only! Students may not use the school’s computers or printers for any personal use or to complete homework in other subject areas! Students are not allowed to download any files from home or the Internet onto any school computer without permission from the computer teacher, Dean of Students, or Principal! Students are not permitted to log on to any school computer without advance permission. Students are not allowed to E-mail or Instant Message anyone from the school’s computers. Students are not permitted to access websites containing any music, video or pictures without the express permission of their computer teacher.
Conflict Resolution
Ephesians 4:31&32 says, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you”. The Pastoral Counselors or the Administration are always available during school hours to help mediate disputes. Conflict Resolution is a non-violent means of settling a dispute or solving a problem. Students will learn the practice and the significant role of prayer in resolving conflicts and in resolving personal issues in their lives. The parties involved in the dispute will have the opportunity to explain their perspective on the disagreement for which a mutually agreeable solution is sought. The contents of the mediation are confidential and will be agreed upon in either a verbal or written covenant. The importance of regular church attendance along with input from the student’s pastor will be emphasized and where necessary, at the sole discretion of the administration, U.R.C.S. may require professional counseling for unresolved issues in a student’s life. Each individual in the dispute agrees to abide by any covenant made and failure to adhere to the provisions of the final agreement may result in disciplinary action.
Discipline Guideline Procedures
As an aid in providing a Spirit-controlled, disciplined, academic environment, the following Discipline Guideline Procedure has been designed. All students are expected to have respect – i.e., Respect for God, Respect for Others, Respect for One’s Self, Respect for Authority and Respect for Property. All of our disciplinary efforts are designed to be restorative and redemptive and the following is meant as a guideline, a suggested sequence of increasing consequences designed to aid in the student’s character development.
Minor Violations – are offences such as: talking out of turn, disturbing or distracting classmates or the teacher, eating in class, note passing, littering, out of class without a pass, going to the lockers at the wrong time etc…
1st time – Personal re-instruction in the rules
2nd time – Seat change or other behavioral intervention strategy if appropriate
3rd time – Ren Web notification and private conference with the teacher involved, the student and the Dean
4th time – Notification on Ren Web and after school detention
5th time –Notification on Ren Web for a Parent/Student/Teacher Conference with the Dean
Major Violations – are offenses such as: acts of violence, possession of cigarettes, matches, lighters, prescription or non- prescription drugs or dietary supplements, alcohol, inhalants, weapons including (but not limited to): pocket knives, pins, blades, (etc.), vandalism, throwing things inappropriately, stealing, cutting class, leaving the building without permission or using the wrong exit during dismissal, disrespect, foul or inappropriate language, inappropriate physical contact, provoking others to anger, or repeated minor violations will result in a phone call to the parent and an immediate Discipline Referral to the Dean of Students for proper disciplinary action.
Any act of violence, possession of illegal substance, or other safety related violation will result in the student involved being retained in an available school office, under supervision until a parent or guardian can pick the student up. The student will be immediately suspended pending possible further disciplinary action. Please note that all students must uphold and adhere to all of the Admissions Criteria and the Student Standard of Conduct as outlined in the admissions package at all times!
Any material misrepresentation, omission or falsification of information of an academic, behavioral or medical nature may be grounds for immediate dismissal from Upper Room Christian School!
When a student is referred to the Dean of Students the Dean may use any of the following remedies:
Phone call to parent or guardian
Request a parent, teacher, student conference
Development of a disciplinary action plan and contract
Suspension from extra-curricular activities including sports, clubs or councils
Academic and or behavioral monitor and probation
Issue after school detention
Referral for pastoral, psychological, or medical evaluation and or counseling
Suspension from school or bus
Revocation of any financial assistance or expulsion
When a student is excessively unprepared for class, has been sleeping or not paying attention in class, or negligent with their homework assignments, the teacher will notify the parent/guardian using Ren Web. After 3 such notifications, the student will be referred to the Principal for the development of an appropriate action plan, which may include academic probation.
When students are excessively late to class or homeroom without a valid pass (4xs 1st quarter, 3xs 2nd quarter, 2xs 3rd quarter, and 2x the 4th quarter) the teacher will notify the parent/guardian using Ren Web. After 3 such notifications the student will be referred to the Dean for further action.
As you can see from this Discipline Guideline Procedure, we hold Christian Character Development in very high regard here at U.R.C.S. and Character Development is best achieved by good student / teacher / administration / home communication and cooperation.
After School Detention
1 – The student will be dismissed by the Dean for detention attendance at 3:30pm sharp.
2 – There will be absolutely no talking from the time attendance is taken until you are dismissed.
3 – The student will be assigned a seat to sit in and remain in full uniform.
4 – A small snack from home and or a beverage brought from home may be eaten from 3:20 – 3:30. There will be no student access to the vending machines.
5 – The student must sit upright with their back straight against the chair, facing forward with both feet flat on the floor and their hands interlaced on the desk.
6 – After school detention is over at 4:55 sharp and parents must have a late bus provided or provide for another means of student pick up at that time!
Detention is a serious disciplinary action and any violation of the above procedures will result in further disciplinary action!
7- After a student serves 3 detentions he or she will no longer be eligible for detention and will be suspended from 1-3 days depending on the offense and frequency of the offense
8- After being suspended 3 times the student will be dismissed from the school.
Academic Probation
Any student receiving a grade below 65% in any core subject or an overall average below 70% in any quarterly marking period may be placed on academic probation and may be required to complete a daily monitoring sheet recording the completion of the students homework, classroom behavior and classroom participation. This form will be signed by the subject teacher and must be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the main office daily. Also, students who receive a grade of 70% or less in any subject that are participating in any athletic program will be suspended from that program without refund for a period of 5 weeks at which time the Dean will review the student’s progress in that subject. If sufficient improvement and progress has been made the student will be re-instated on the team.
Student Leadership Council
The SLC is a select group of 6th – 12th graders that have achieved specific spiritual, academic and behavioral standards. Candidates should also show a desire to enhance their education by learning and practicing Christian Leadership Principals.
The SLC gives the student body an opportunity to be rewarded for their efforts as well as giving them more responsibility in participating in their future in URCS and in developing their success beyond the classroom. We encourage each student to make the SLC a goal for themselves as it will make them an active part in student led school activities and serve as a very positive way for students to demonstrate their leadership potential and abilities to prospective universities and employers.
Membership in the Council will run from quarter to quarter and is voluntary. The requirements for the 2015 - 2016 school year are as follows:
1 – Minimal Bible grade of 90% or better. (80% for I.E.P. Students)
2 – An overall minimum average of 75% or better. (70% for I.E.P. Students)
3 – Any disciplinary actions may disqualify a student from Leadership Council status.
4 – Exhibit a willingness to participate in efforts made to improve the school and/or assist the school during various after school functions when possible.
5 – The Principal, Dean of Students and Student Life Director reserves the right to include or disqualify students from Leadership Council status at their discretion.
The Benefits of the student leadership council will change from year to year and may include:
1 – Two School Sponsored 2 period breakfasts per year.
2 – Students may “dress down” (see dress down guidelines) each Thursday during the quarter as long as they maintain active status.
4- A special Leadership trip at the end of the year for 6th – 12th grade students having three “active” quarters on the SLC.
Awards Program
All students are eligible and encouraged to qualify for various academic and character awards that are given out throughout the year as well as at our end of year awards ceremonies.
Honor Roll
The averages for the Upper Room Christian School Honor Roll are as follows:
87.5% = Honors
92.5% = High Honors
97.5% = Highest Honors
Students having three “active” quarters of obtaining honor roll will receive an invitation for a special trip at the end of the year for 6th – 12th grade students.
National Honor Society
The selection of students for membership is based on the four standards set forth by the National Honor Society. These standards Scholarship, Service, Leadership and Character are outlined below.
• Scholarship - students are required to have a minimum overall academic average of an 87. Once a student has been inducted as a member he/she must maintain this 87% overall academic average to continue membership in addition to fulfilling the service, leadership and character standards set by the NHS and Upper Room.
• Leadership, Character & Activities - each candidate must hand in 2 recommendation forms to be completed by teachers, religious leaders, coaches, etc.)
• Service - each candidate must demonstrate his/her willingness and ability to be of service to their school and community. A total of 20 community service hours are required. Service does not include any activities for which the student received pay or compensation for performing the task. You will need to have paperwork signed off on all community service that you have done.
Selection - Selection of students for membership is the responsibility of the Faculty Council Board. This board consists of faculty members appointed by the administrator.
Any students who are already enrolled in the National Honor Society at URCS, will need to maintain their overall academic average and fulfill the 20 hours of community service. Failure to do this will result in being removed from the society.
There will be a special induction in June for all new and current members of the National Honor Society
Fundraising Activities
Students and families are encouraged to participate in various school fundraising activities such as our Annual Gerry’s and Alice Smith Walk for Education, Car Washes, etc… These fundraisers supplement our tuition income, keeping it as low as possible, while maintaining a high level of programs and services to for our student body.