Career Mission Statement
In accordance with New York State Standard, a Career Readiness Partnership is a comprehensive strategy that links education with career preparation and includes all aspects of preparation and support. A career ready person is someone who “effectively navigates pathways that connect education and employment to achieve a fulfilling, financially-secure, and successful career. The emphasis is on life-long learning; adaptability to change; knowledge, skills, and career dispositions. The school counseling program drives college-and-career readiness through programs that address areas such as social and interpersonal skills, organizational skills, and problem solving skills. To help students become career-ready, schools may begin in elementary school and coordinate and collaborate throughout all grades to create opportunities for all students to gain the knowledge and skills needed for their futures.
At Upper Room Christian School we understand that to accomplish these goals it is necessary that academic barriers through a focus on social and emotional learning are addressed as part of the career counseling programs, unique function in the school. Career exploration opportunities are given for Elementary, Middle School, and High School. Career awareness is initiated to create academic and personal benefits to students by participating in multidisciplinary individual creativity, talents, and interests. Community resources are also used from time to time to create a fuller career exploration experience for the students.