School Profile Data for Upper Room Christian School – Dix Hills, NY
What is the student to teacher ratio of your student body?
6.1 to 1 on average
What AP courses are offered at your school?
AP Physics “A”
AP Physics “C”
AP US History
AP English Literature
AP Calculus (AB and BC)
College classes offered through St. John’s University’s Special and Opportunity Program (on-site at Upper Room Christian School):
Calculus 1 4 credits
Calculus 2 4 credits
Statistics 1 4 credits
Statistics 2 4 credits
Matrix Methods 3 credits
College Math 1 3 credits
College Math 2 3 credits
College Algebra 2 / Trigonometry 3 credits
Foundations of Education 3 credits
What are the average SAT/ACT scores among your student body?
The average combined SAT scores for our top students for the last several years is 1646. This represents the top 10% of each graduating class since 2008. The highest individual SAT score for each section during that period of time is as follows:
760 Verbal
780 Math
760 Writing
What percentage of students are recipients of scholarships to Universities?
95% of our graduates receive some form of scholarship to a college or university they attend. Many of our graduates have received scholarships exceeding $20,000 per year.
What colleges accept your graduates?
College placement rate: 92% of our graduates attend a four-year college. Some begin by attending a community (2 year) college (about 21%) and then transfer to a four-year school. Our students have attended or been accepted to over 35 of the Tier 1 (top 175) colleges and universities in the United States, based on the 2013 list compiled by US News and World Report. The list below is a partial list of colleges and universities our students have been accepted to, attended or graduated from:
University of Pennsylvania
Columbia University
Brown University
Rice University
University of Virginia
Boston College
Rensselaer Polytechnic
Penn State University
Boston University
Fordham University
University of Maryland
Rutgers University
Northeastern University
University of Connecticut
Virginia Tech
University of Delaware
University of Alabama
SUNY Binghampton
Drexel University
SUNY Stony Brook
SUNY Buffalo
Temple University
Seaton Hall University
Hofstra University
St. John’s University
Adelphi University
Pace University
Howard University
Kent State University
New York University (NYU)
Dartmouth College
University of South Florida
University of Florida – Gainesville
West Virginia University
University of Central Florida
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)
In addition, many of our graduates have attended or been accepted into Tier 2 colleges and universities, such as:
Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus
Regent University
Oral Roberts University
Clark Atlanta University
Florida A&M University
Morgan State University
University of Bridgeport
Florida Atlantic University
University of Massachusetts – Lowell
University of North Carolina – Greensboro